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From old workwear to one-of-a-kind bags.

We’re taking sustainability to a whole new level by making new items from old workwear that has served its purpose.

This way of upcycling discarded material allows us to reduce environmental waste and CO2 emissions significantly. We’re partnering with a manufacturer who incorporates social responsibility through a work experience program for disadvantaged individuals. Our upcycled products are a sustainable choice in more than one way.

  • Total: 6
Optimal CSR and evironmental standards achieved and certified (3)

Laptop Bag Y - Second Stitch Upcycled

Optimal CSR and evironmental standards achieved and certified (3)

Laptop Bag G - Second Stitch Upcycled

Optimal CSR and evironmental standards achieved and certified (3)

Shopping Bag Y - Second Stitch Upcycled

Optimal CSR and evironmental standards achieved and certified (3)

Shopping Bag G - Second Stitch Upcycled

Optimal CSR and evironmental standards achieved and certified (3)

Laptop Bag R - Second Stitch Upcycled

Optimal CSR and evironmental standards achieved and certified (3)

Shopping Bag R - Second Stitch Upcycled

  • Total: 6

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